8 سبتمبر 2024
9 الشهر منذ
Deal could be announced as soon as today by Qatar for the release of hostages:- 50 hostages/ Palestinian prisoners from Israel, 3:1 ratio; -4-5 day pause; - Israeli surveillance drones to stop over northern Gaza for at least 6 hours/day
WSJ: Hostage deal would involve a daily six-hour cessation of fighting for four or more days, would still allow Israel to conduct operations in the north9 الشهر منذ
WSJ: Hostage deal would involve a daily six-hour cessation of fighting for four or more days, would still allow Israel to conduct operations in the north
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A source with direct knowledge tells Qatar could announce as early as today the hostage deal between Israel and Hamas. The source says he hopes nothing happens on the ground in Gaza that harms this
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@ICRCPresident met with Hamas leader, Ismael Haniyeh, and Qatari officials, in Qatar
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رويترز: اتفاق برعاية قطرية يشمل 50 رهينة لدى حماس وسجناء في إسرائيل مع هدنة لـ 3 أيام
Biden: "I have been talking to people involved (in the negotiations on the hostages release) every single day. I believe it is gonna happen but I don't want to get into details". Asked what his message to the families is Biden said: "Hang in there – we are coming"
US President Joe Biden called Qatari Emir Tamim Ben Hamed and talked with him about the development of the war
سوليفان: واشنطن منخرطة في المفاوضات بين إسرائيل وقطر بشأن المحتجزين لدى حماس
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أمير قطر: إلى متى سيسمح لإسرائيل بضرب القوانين الدولية بحربها الشعواء التي لا تنتهي على سكان البلاد الأصليين
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الرئاسة المصرية: الرئيس السيسي وأمير قطر استعرضا أفضل السبل لحماية المدنيين الأبرياء في غزة ووقف نزيف الدم
Now in Amman FMs of Egypt, Jordan, KSA, UAE, Qatar & the PLO Executive Committee’s Secretary General, are holding a meeting with State Secretary @SecBlinken of US. Intensive Arab efforts to halt the war in Gaza, & provide necessary protection to Palestinians10 الشهر منذ
Now in Amman FMs of Egypt, Jordan, KSA, UAE, Qatar & the PLO Executive Committee’s Secretary General, are holding a meeting with State Secretary @SecBlinken of US. Intensive Arab efforts to halt the war in Gaza, & provide necessary protection to Palestinians
تظاهرة حاشدة في العاصمة القطرية الدوحة؛ تنديداً بمجازر  في غزة10 الشهر منذ
تظاهرة حاشدة في العاصمة القطرية الدوحة؛ تنديداً بمجازر في غزة
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إسماعيل هنية: التصور الذي قدمناه للوسطاء يشمل صفقة لتبادل الأسرى
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إسماعيل هنية يدعو الولايات المتحدة إلى وقف دعم إسرائيل عسكريا
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إسماعيل هنية: من المهم مواصلة العمليات عند معبر رفح في كلا الاتجاهين
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إسماعيل هنية: حرب غزة هي معركة مصيرية بين من يؤمن بالتسامح والتعايش وبين النازيين
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Qatar mediates agreement between Egypt, Hamas, Israel in coordination with U.S. to open Rafah border crossing on Wednesday - source briefed on deal to @Reuters
Iran FM and Hamas leader met in Doha. This is their second meeting since the outbreak of the recent conflict10 الشهر منذ
Iran FM and Hamas leader met in Doha. This is their second meeting since the outbreak of the recent conflict
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A high-level Israeli official, in coordination with the U.S., visited Doha to meet Qatari negotiators on Saturday to discuss the hostage situation and further the talks about the release of hostages, an official briefed on the visit tells Fox News
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مصادر إعلامية: المفاوضات تسير بشكل متسارع لإنجاز اتفاق وقف إطلاق نار وصفقة تبادل بين حماس و إسرائيل بوساطة قطرية فلسطين قطر
Qatar hands the death sentence to 8 ex Indian sailors in its custody; India says shocked", in touch with family members and the legal team10 الشهر منذ
Qatar hands the death sentence to 8 ex Indian sailors in its custody; India says "shocked", in touch with family members and the legal team
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نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي يلتقي القيادة السياسية لحماس في الدوحة ويبحث معهم مصير المحتجزين
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رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري: نستنكر التصريحات المستفزة لبعض المسؤولين الإسرائيليين وكيل الاتهامات لقطر
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Senior Hamas Leader Khaled Meshaal tells Sky News that civilian hostages held by Hamas will be released if Israel reduces air strikes on Gaza
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The Department of Defense is putting additional military forces on higher alert for quick deployment due to fears of war between Israel and Hamas growing into a regional conflict
Treasury imposes sanctions on 10 Hamas members and financial facilitators in Gaza and elsewhere including Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar
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Qatari report: The Biden administration warned the Iranian representative at the UN that if Iran intervenes directly in the conflict, the United States will act militarily
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قيادي في حماس للجزيرة: إسماعيل هنية يلتقي بمبعوث الرئيس الروسي الخاص للشرق الأوسط ميخائيل بوغدانوف في الدوحة
Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman: No new development has occurred regarding the unfrozen Iranian funds [in Qatar]. These assets belong to Iranian nation and are available to Iran within the defined and guaranteed framework. Iran will use them according to its needs10 الشهر منذ
Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman: No new development has occurred regarding the unfrozen Iranian funds [in Qatar]. These assets belong to Iranian nation and are available to Iran within the defined and guaranteed framework. Iran will use them according to its needs
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Tonight Iran’s foreign minister met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar