وصول رئيس دولة الإمارات الشيخ محمد بن زايد إلى قطر في زيارة رسمية بدعوة من الشيخ تميم بن حمد
Between 400 and 500 workers died building infrastructure for 2022 World Cup, Qatar officials say
Head of Israeli army Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen.Aharon Haliva at INSS conference: Iran is considering disrupting the World Cup games in Qatar. The only thing preventing them: how the Qataris will react
Qatar signs world's 'longest' gas supply deal with China: energy minister
2 سنة منذناشد رئيس الفيفا جياني إنفانتينو قادة العالم للدعوة إلى "وقف مؤقت لإطلاق النار" خلال كأس العالم في قطر.
2 سنة منذUN SecGen @antonioguterres & Qatar FM @MBA_AlThani_ had separate phone calls with Iran FM @Amirabdolahian over Vienna talks. Iran FM told UN SecGen that Tehran has made it clear to other parties that resolving "political & fabricated safeguards issues is an essential necessity"
Qatar to host indirect Iran-US talks on reviving 2015 nuclear deal
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, president of the Brookings Institution, has resigned amid a federal investigation into whether he illegally lobbied on behalf of the wealthy Persian Gulf nation of Qatar
2 سنة منذUS special envoy Thomas West tweeted he met with Abdullah Abdullah & discussed "need for political process, human rights abuses, women's essential role, humanitarian situation & terrorism threats." "Look forward to continuing dialogue with other Afghan leaders and thinkers
Khamenei: The solidity and stability of Iran-Qatar relations benefit both countries. Current economic relations should increase greatly. In political matters, there's ground for more exchange of ideas too. We hope that this trip will mark a new beginning for expanding cooperation
Khamenei: Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, and his entourage met with Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The Palestinian minister for civilian affairs @HusseinSheikhpl confirms that the PA rejected an Israeli proposal for a joint investigation regarding the death of Shirin Abu Akleh and says the Palestinians will conduct their own investigation and update Qatar and U.S
2 سنة منذActing Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mottaqi met with British Chargé d'Affaires Hugo Shorter in Doha. The Taliban's foreign ministry claimed that Shorter had said in the meeting that Britain did not support the armed opposition to the Taliban
"We can confirm that Safiullah Rauf and Anees Khalil, a U.S. citizen and a lawful permanent resident, respectively, have been released after being unjustly detained in Afghanistan," @StateDeptSpox says. "They are now in Qatar before traveling home
Qatari Armed Forces signed a co-operation agreement in the defence and technical support fields for the Amiri Air Forces with Canada's CAE Incorporated, during the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference Dimdex2022
بلينكن: الدوحة وواشنطن عملتا معا لمواجهة تحديات إقليمية كمكافحة تنظيم الدولة وتحسين حياة الفلسطينيين
Qatar FM had a phone talk with Iran FM discussing bilateral & regional issues as well as ViennaTalks. Iran FM criticized the US for raising new issues in Vienna talks & stressed that Iran is seriously working to reach a good, strong & durable agreement
3 سنة منذQatar officially designated by White House as a "major non-NATO ally"
3 سنة منذSuhail Shaheen appointed head of Taliban's political office in Qatar
PM Masrour Barzani is beginning his visit to Qatar, where he will meet Emir Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and other senior officials, the PM's office said
Emir of Qatar: Had fruitful discussions with President Biden @POTUS in which we exchanged views on regional and international developments. The strategic partnership between our countries is bringing peace and stability to our region
3 سنة منذخلال اتصال هاتفي مع عبدالله بن زايد:وزير خارجية قطر يدين ويستنكر بشدة الهجوم الإرهابي الحوثي على منشآت مدنية بالإمارات وام
Sudan has revoked the license of Al Jazeera Mubasher, part of the Qatar-based network, accusing it of "unprofessional" television coverage of anti-coup protests, the channel said on Sunday.
رئيس المجلس العسكري بتشاد للجزيرة: الحوار المرتقب في قطر مع الحركات المسلحة سيتيح التوصل للسلام
رئيس المجلس العسكري في تشاد للجزيرة: الحوار المرتقب بقطر سيتيح التفاوض مع الحركات المسلحة
3 سنة منذIran's foreign minister met with Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar today
قطر تدين احتجاز ميليشيات الحوثي للسفينة "روابي" وتطالب الإفراج عنها
3 سنة منذGAS MARKET: The U.S. overtook Qatar and Australia in December, ***becoming for the first time ever the world's largest LNG exporter***.
Kenyan forces could be deployed to Qatar for World Cup security - Minister
وزير الخارجية القطري: لروسيا والصين ودول المنطقة مخاوف مشروعة بشأن أي توتر قد يحدث بأفغانستان